Why prefer Slack over WhatsApp
Frustrated me (for missing a class at 9am)
opens WhatsApp to attend for 10am class, to find the link…
Checked all messages, replied, closed WhatsApp, resumed watching Rick and Morty!
Later at 11am: What the heck! I missed the class again!
Ever felt this?
We usually open WhatsApp for some productive purpose and end forgetting them and doing all other things.
So, I strictly feel, WhatsApp is not for academic purposes. If not that, where can I have groups, share links, get an assignment..??
Introducing Slack!!! Here you go, Top 7 things on: Why Slack

- Way of Communication
- Portability
- Access to Old Messages
- Storage
- Members Limit
- Search
- Exposure
Let’s see the points mentioned clearly. One by one.
- Way of Communication: Unlike WhatsApp, where we get flooded with messages if been incative for a while, it’s tough to trace, what is useful and what’s not from the bunch.

Here in Slack, we can have #channels for specific purposes. Which makes it easy to track important announcements, notices, etc.

Message Threading and Reactions: All messages in a #channel can be treated as a post rather a message. For which, we can create a thread and discuss about it in detail. Which does not make the main channel messy.

2. Portable: We can use it on any device unlike WhatsApp. Slack is cross platform. Can be used on web, android or IOS.

3. A new member can have access to old messages also. There is a limit of 10K messages in free version though. They are pretty enough.
4. Slack workspace comes with 5 gigs of cloud storage. So no worries of local space utilization.
5. In one workspace, we can have ~5000 members. Oh my god! Right.
6. Searching any document is pretty easy.
7. As Slack is used by many communities out there, we have many public workspaces available to join, from which we can increase our exposure and learn new stuff.
We can also add “Privacy” as a point.
Last but not least… The Notification Sound. 😜
Some more advancements are, apps and integrations, with which we can have polls, activities and customised apps developed and integrated at ease.
With these advantages, I conclude Slack, as a good ecosystem for online educational activities.
Presentation on Slack: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEbbyLwrCg/86j0zMor5TuXGM1xL_xYzg/view?utm_content=DAEbbyLwrCg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton